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An innovative product in the field of bio-disinfection

Innovative Action

Innovative Action

Disinfection extremely effective, and also friendly to humans and the environment.

The only such product

The only such product

JANOBIO is a product with a pH of 8.5, ORP> 750mV. Active substance sodium hypochlorite NaOCl 0.06%.

It destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi

It destroys viruses, bacteria and fungi

Studies confirm the high biocidal effectiveness of JANOBIO.

Auxiliary materials for pig farmers: rules for cleaning and disinfecting means of transport, footwear and premises.

JANOBIO meets the conditions for biosecurity set by the CHIEF VETERINARY DOCTOR and is in the list of biocidal products on the website of the OFFICE OF REGISTRATION OF MEDICINAL PRODUCTS, MEDICAL PRODUCTS AND BIOCIDAL PRODUCTS and in the PUBLIC INFORMATION BULLETIN: click here.

Fighting ASFV using JANOBIO

Does not require protective clothing

Does not require protective clothing

JANOBIO nie wymaga stosowania odzieży ochronnej podczas stosowania. Nie zawiera żadnych niebezpiecznych składników. Spełnia warunki obowiązkowej bioasekuracji.
Disinfection of means of transport

Disinfection of means of transport

Szybka i skuteczna dezynfekcja środków transportu przy użyciu bram dezynfekcyjnych to gwarancja dotarcia środka do wszystkich elementów pojazdu. JANOBIO nie powoduje korozji.
It is not a threat

It is not a threat

JANOBIO jest bardzo skuteczny w zwalczaniu drobnoustrojów chorobotwórczych, a także nie stanowi żadnego zagrożenia
dla ludzi i środowiska.
ASFV virus eradication within 3-10 minutes

ASFV virus eradication within 3-10 minutes

Evaluation of effectiveness from PIWET Puławy

Evaluation of effectiveness from PIWET Puławy

No corrosive effect

No corrosive effect

Absolutely safe for human health

Absolutely safe for human health

100% biodegradable, safe for the environment

100% biodegradable, safe for the environment

No need for protective clothing

No need for protective clothing

Personal biosecurity package

A necessary set of equipment and accessories for veterinarians, breeders, farmers and hunters. In combination with the biocide JANOBIO, it allows for quick and effective personal disinfection.

For use in any place where there is a risk of transmission of viruses or bacteria on clothing, footwear, equipment. Using the JANOBIO agent, it guarantees 100% disinfection and elimination of many bacteria and viruses, including the ASFV virus.

Our devices for spraying and fogging JANOBIO

A new generation of disinfection

Our JANOBIO product by the decision of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products of December 21, 2018 was registered as a biocidal product with a marketing authorization in Poland – decision number UR.BP.7515 / 18.

Feel free to contact us!